Moulded joining technology with modified bonded-in rods
Design and Structure
Dr. Tarick Chahade
The University of Granada / University of Applied Sciences Mainz
PhD – November 2018 – July 2022
Supervisors Thesis
Prof. Dr. Leandro Morillas Romero and Prof. Dr.‑Ing. Kay-Uwe Schober
Project Partners
Institute of Innovative Structures Mainz (Germany)
Modell- und Formenbau GmbH Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany)
Sachverständigen-Ingenieurbüro-Oppel (Germany)
Dr. Tarick Chahade’s doctoral thesis focused on the development of a high-performance composite system for roundwood members in modular truss structures, addressing the limitations of joint technologies and increasing the usability of roundwood in modern constructions.
The thesis explored connection designs using modified bonded-in threaded rods, digital fabricated and bio-composite molded joints, and an interactive structural design algorithm. The research resulted in significantly improved load-bearing capacity compared to standardized connection techniques, the development of one-piece molded joints with efficient load transfer, and the creation of a lightweight wood fiber composite material. Karamba3D was employed to analyze and optimize the spatial trusses, frames, and shell structures.
The algorithmic approach facilitated automated planning, efficient integration of production and costs, and real-time optimization of dependencies between architecture, structural design, and fabrication, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the roundwood truss system.

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Dr. Tarick Chahade
Scientist – Concepts for technical innovations in Engineering
Structural Engineer and Parametric Engineering Expert @ REHUB digital Planer
Doctoral Thesis @ the University of Granada (Spain)
Funded Project by German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy