New in Karamba3D Version 3

Karamba3D is now available on PC for Rhino6, Rhino7, Rhino 8 (Core or Framework)



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In this webinar, we review the latest updates in the new Karamba3D version. We explain the modifications to existing components and introduce newly added features.

GH-Files: Optimize Frame Displacement , Load Case Combination , Shells and Beams

Find the Resources Repository here.

Presenters: Clemens Preisinger, Matthew Tam, Georg Lobe

Load Case Combinations

Up to now Karamba3D provided the possibility to work with load-cases. These were defined at the components for creating loads by specifying their name. With version 3.0.0 Karamba3D offers load case combinations.

These components help in creating and handling load case combinations:

  • Takes a list of combination rules expressed as text and converts them into load-case combinations.
  • Reveals details of a load-case combination: which load-cases contribute with what factors.
“Load-Case-Combination Options”-component:
  • Specifies details with regards to how the load-case-combination needs to be evaluated: first order theory, second order theory with possibility of linear superposition or second order theory for each load-case individually.
  • Load-case combinations know about their calculation type. The “Analyze”-component uses this information to treat them accordingly. The user can specify the load-case-combinations of interest and limit analysis to these.
“Load-Case Selector”-component:
  • Load case combinations can contain large sets of load-cases. The “Load-Case Selector”-component helps to select the results of interest for each point of a structure. It is possible to select the envelope of specific response properties, results of a load case of interest, or the set of results that accompany a leading property (e.g., maximum moment and other cross section forces that come along with it). The component outputs a query string which can be used as input for specifying the load-case in all result components of Karamba3D.
  • Depending on the given load-case selection result-components output values for multiple load-cases. This works now via Grasshopper’s Data-Tree-objects. The outmost branches correspond to load-cases, then come positions along an element (if applicable), then the level of elements. Branch indexes at element-level correspond to element-indexes in the model. This eliminates the necessity to introduce dummy values in case a result-component does not apply to all types of elements.
  • Without the definition of load-case combinations the handling of Karamba3D models does not change as compared to previous versions of Karamba3D – with the exception of Data-Tree output at the result-components. Flattening these eliminates the difference between new and old version.


And more….

“Reaction View”-component:

  • This component is new and serves to render reaction forces and moments at supports more conveniently. A corresponding parametric user interface component “Reaction View pui” is also supplied.

“Export Model to SAF”-component:

  • This new component exports Karamba3D models to the SAF format which can be read by many traditional AEC applications (see here). This includes surfaces and some types of surface loads.

“Export/Import Model to/from Speckle”-component:

  • This new component allows models from Karamba3D to be convert to a Speckle structural model and imported back into Karamba3D,

Changing the language or physical units in the Grasshopper/Karamba3D model instantly updates the component help texts and component annotations of the current definition.

The base physical units for force, length and mass are now stored in the Grasshopper definition. This should make it easier to exchange models without unwanted surprises.



“Create Linear Element”-component

  • contains now the functionality formerly split up in the “Line To Beam”, “Connectivity to Beam” and “Index to Beam”-component.

“Optimize Cross Section”-component:

  • Different load-case-combinations can be used for ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) design optimization.
  • virtual force load-cases can now be directly supplied for fine-grained displacement control
  • Displacement optimization for SLS is now done using a virtual forces approach for more economic results.
  • Elements with insufficient cross sections in ULS and SLS can be highlighted using the “ModelView”-component.

The “ModelView”-component:

  • “Annotation/NII” option now outputs the NII force of the currently visible load-case.
  • A “Result Selection” submenu was added to the “ModelView”-component. This allows to quickly select the display of minimum and/or maximum results for load-case combinations of a specific load-case of a combination.
  • The “Annotations” submenu now contains a slider to quickly adapt display text-heights.
  • It is possible to display single shell sub-elements by providing “Shell-Index/Meshface-Index” at the “View” input-plug.

“Assemble Model”-component

  • The “Points”-input plug has been shifted to the “options” submenu to reduce confusion over what needs to be provided for assembling a model.

“Line-Line Intersection”-component:

  • Has been refined: it is now possible to define intersecting lines and lines to intersect.
  • Can intersect parallel lines which lie on each other.
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