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Karamba.Elements Namespace

Contains classes for creating finite elements like beams, trusses, shells and membranes. There are Builder-classes and Model-Classes. The former are used for building up a model. They are the type of objects which populate the Grasshopper definition and team up to assemble a model. The Model-classes are part of a K3D-model and keep a connection to their counterparts in the c++ model. They are also used to retrieve results.
Public classBuilderBeam
Represents a beam or truss element which lives in the a GH definition.
Public classBuilderElement
Represents an element which lives in the a GH definition. GrasssElement is the base class of generic containers for element data generated by the GH definition. In Assemble it gets converted to Beams, Springs,...
Public classBuilderElementOrientation
provider for element orientations for building elements
Public classBuilderElementPosition
class for reading element positions
Public classBuilderElementPositionByIndexes
Represents an elements position in space
Public classBuilderElementPositionByPoints
Represents an elements position in space
Public classBuilderElementShellOrientation
Reader for shell orientations for building shells
Public classBuilderElementStraightLine
Abstract base class of straight linear elements like GrassBeams or GrassTrusses that live in a GH definition
Public classBuilderElementStraightLineOrientation
Reader for straight-line elements (beams, trusses) orientations for building them
Public classBuilderShell
Shell element that lives in a GH definition.
Public classElementEccentricity
represents the eccentricity of a node
Public classElementStates
Structure that contains state information of an element
Public classElemSet
Defines sets of elements.
Public classIdManager
Relates string identifiers (id) to numerical identifiers (id_num) one id may relate to only one id_num one id_num may relate to several ids. The first name of the id_num is the first id and so on
Public classIndexToBeam
Creates beams from node indexes
Public classItemSelector
Selects elements by index, identifier or regular expression. For mappings from regular expression to element the enlisted string has to start with "&"
Public classLineToBeam
Converts lines to beams
Public classListMatcher
Matches a search string against a list of strings. The search string may contain a regular expression. Regular expressions start with "&"
Public classMeshToShell
Constructs shells from meshes
Public classModelBeam
Beam element that lives in a statical model
Public classModelElement
Base class of all elements that derive from GH objects and are part of statical models
Public classModelElementStraightLine
Abstract base class of straight linear elements like ModelBeams or ModelShellsrassTrusses that live in a statical model
Public classModelElementVisitor
Base class of element visitors. Does nothing by default.
Public classModelShell
Shell element that lives in a statical model.
Public classModelSpring
Spring element that lives in a statical model. is defined by its six spring stiffnesses and orientation
Public classModelTruss
Truss element that lives in a statical model
Public classModifierBeam
Represents a beam element which modifies other beam elements when being assembled to a model
Public classModifierShell
Represents a beam element which modifies other beam elements when being assembled to a model
Public interfaceBuilderElementVisitorR, T
Grasshopper element visitor taking one argument and returning a result.
Public interfaceIBuilderElementOrientation
read-only interface for getting the orientation for building elements
Public interfaceIBuilderElementOrientationWriter
write-only interface for getting the orientation for building elements
Public interfaceIBuilderElementPosition
interface for reading element positions
Public interfaceModelElementVisitorT
Void element visitor taking one additional argument of type T.
Public interfaceModelElementVisitorR, T
Element visitor returning a result and taking one additional argument of type T.
Public enumerationBuilderElementStraightLineBucklingDir
enum for specifying the axis about which a buckling length is defined