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Mesh3 Methods

The Mesh3 type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddFace(Face3)
add a face to the mesh
Public methodAddFace(Int32, Int32, Int32)
add a face to the mesh
Public methodAddFace(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Add two triangles.
Public methodAddVertex(Point3)
add a vertex to the mesh
Public methodAddVertex(Double, Double, Double)
add a vertex to the mesh
Public methodAddVertexColor
add a color to the list of vertex colors
Public methodcharacteristicFaceSize
determine the characteristic mesh face size
Public methodCleaned
Create a new mesh based on another mesh doing a sanity check and removing faces with a smaller area than lim_area
Public methodClearVertexColors
clear the list of vertex colors
Public methodClearVertices
clear the list of vertices
Public methodClosestMeshPoint
/// Gets the point on the mesh that is closest to a given test point. Similar to the ClosestPoint function except this returns a MeshPoint class which includes extra information beyond just the location of the closest point.
Public methodCompact
make the mesh compact
Public methodComputeNormals
generate the normals of the vertices
Public methodComputeVertexNormals
compute the vertex normals
Public methodCopy
Clone the mesh
Public methoddoubleFaceArea
determine the raw face normal whose length is double the area of the mesh face
Public methodDuplicateMesh
Clone the mesh
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodfaceArea(Int32, Vector3)
determine the area of a mesh face
Public methodfaceArea(Face3, Vector3)
calculate the area of a face
Public methodfaceCOG
determine the center of gravity of a mesh face
Public methodfaceNormal
calculate the normal of the face.
Public methodFlip
Reverses the direction of the mesh.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVertex
return the position of a vertex of given index
Public methodSetVertex(Int32, Point3)
set vertex using index and coordinates
Public methodSetVertex(Int32, Double, Double, Double)
set vertex using index and coordinates
Public methodSetVertexColor
set the color of a vertex
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTriangulated
triangulate a mesh
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodConvert
Convert to mesh to rhino mesh. If the mesh is already of type RhinoMesh, the underlying mesh Mesh is returned without creating a copy of it. Otherwise, a new rhino mesh instance is created from the supplied mesh. The following attributes/properties are taken into account. (1) Mesh topology (vertices, faces) (2) Vertex normals. (3) Vertex colors.
(Defined by MeshExtensions.)
See Also