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CroSecTableRowverifyProps Method

compare mechanical properties as read from the table to those as calculated from the geometric dimensions of the cross section. If the relative deviation is larger than given in max_verifiy_delt a message is issued.

Namespace:  Karamba.CrossSections
Assembly:  KarambaCommon (in KarambaCommon.dll) Version: (
public virtual string verifyProps(
	Nullable<double>[] _props


Type: SystemNullableDouble

[Missing <param name="_props"/> documentation for "M:Karamba.CrossSections.CroSecTableRow.verifyProps(System.Nullable{System.Double}[])"]

Return Value

Type: String

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Karamba.CrossSections.CroSecTableRow.verifyProps(System.Nullable{System.Double}[])"]

See Also