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Karamba.Algorithms Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Karamba.Algorithms"]

Public classAnalyzeThII
Calculates a models deformation state under the assumption of small deflections
Public classBESOBeam
Does ESO/BESO optimization on beam and truss structures
Public classBESOShell
Handles the bi-directional evolutionary optimization (BESO) of shell elements
Public classBESOShell_Algorithm
Methods for performing BESO for shells
Public classBuckling
Calculates buckling-modes
Public classCroSecFamilies
A family of cross sections for use in cross section design
Public classCSOptiBeam
cross section optimization beam element
Public classCSOptiElement
cross section optimization element
Public classCSOptiElements
cross section optimization elements
Public classCSOptiShell
cross section optimization shell element
Public classEigenModes
Calculates eigen-modes
Public classElementsGroupedByClass
group of elements with uniform cross section during optimization
Public classLargeDeform
Analyzes a model under the assumption of large deformations
Public classNaturalVibes
Computes a models natural frequencies, modal masses and participation factors
Public classNonlinAnalyze_ArcLength
Analyzes a model under the assumption of large deformations
Public classNonlinAnalyze_DynamicRelax
Analyzes a model under the assumption of large deformations
Public classNonlinAnalyze_NewtonRaph
Analyzes a model under the assumption of large deformations
Public classOptiCroSecEC3
Optimizes the cross section of beams and shells with respect to the materials strength and maximum deflection EN 1993-1-1 is used for dimensioning the beam and truss cross sections
Public classOptiReinf
Optimizes the cross section of beams and shells with respect to the materials strength and maximum deflection EN 1993-1-1 is used for dimensioning the beam and truss cross sections
Public classRCOptiElement
element selected for reinforcement optimization
Public classRCOptiElements
group of elements selected for reinforcement design
Public classRCOptiShell
shell element selected for reinforcement optimization
Public classTenComEliminator
Iteratively removes beam elements which are under tension or compression
Public classThIAnalyze
Calculates a models deformation state under the assumption of small deflections
Public classThIAnalyze_new
Calculates a models deformation state under the assumption of small deflections
Public enumerationEigenShapesScalingType
Types of scaling for the displacement vectors of eigen-modes