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ShellsPrincipalCrossSectionForces Fields

The ShellsPrincipalCrossSectionForces type exposes the following members.

Protected field_superimpFacs
factors for superimposing the results of load cases
Protected fieldM1
list of list of first principal moments [kNm/m]. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
Protected fieldM2
list of list of second principal moments [kNm/m]. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
Protected fieldN1
list of list of first principal normal forces [kN/m]. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
Protected fieldN2
list of list of second principal normal forces [kN/m]. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
Protected fieldVx
distributed transverse shear forces [kN/m] along local x-const. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
Protected fieldVy
distributed transverse shear forces [kN/m] along local y-const. One sublist per shell-patch, one entry per shell-face
See Also