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CroSec_ShellModifier Fields

The CroSec_ShellModifier type exposes the following members.

Public fieldcountry_
country in which the cross section is in use
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldeccent_
eccentricity of the cross section
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldelem_crosecs_
cross sections for each mesh-face
(Inherited from CroSec_Shell.)
Protected fieldelem_ids_
id/regular expressions of element identifiers to which the cross section applies
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldfamily_
unique identifier of a group of cross sections within a country
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldfe_ind_
identification number of cross section in the fe-model
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldguid_
GUID of the cross section
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldhas_eccent_
true if there is an eccentricity defined for the cross section
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fieldname_
unique identifier of a cross section within a family
(Inherited from CroSec.)
Protected fielduser_defined_
indicates whether a cross section is user-defined or generated (e.g. a default material)
(Inherited from CroSec.)
See Also