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JointAgent Class

Impose hinge conditions on line element depending on the vicinity to geometric objects and model .
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Karamba.Joints
Assembly:  KarambaCommon (in KarambaCommon.dll) Version: (
public class JointAgent : Joint

The JointAgent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyc
set and get the joints DOF-stiffness
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyelemIds
return list of element identifiers to which the cross section is to be attached.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyguid
GUID of the joint
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyname
set/get the name of the cross section
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public propertyprops
give array access to cross section properties which are the twelve conditions at the end-nodes of the line element. These conditions are tx, ty, tz (translational DOFs) and rx, ry, rz (rotational DOFs) at the two nodes. A value of null means fixation, values of t are in kN/m, values of r in kNm/rad.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodAddElemId
add an element identifier to the list of element identifiers which define to which elements the cross SectionForce shall be attached in the course of assemblage.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodaddTo(ModelElement)
attach this joint to an elements
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodaddTo(ListModelElement, ItemSelector)
attach this joint to elements
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodaddTo(ModelBeam, Model, ListNode)
adds joints to the the endpoints of a beam
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodc_condition
returns list of six doubles for each node which are the spring stiffnesses corresponding to the DOFs. If null there is no joint for the corresponding DOF.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodclearElemIds
empty the list of identifiers to which the cross section shall be attached.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodClone
shallow clone
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodcondition
returns list of six booleans for each node. If true a joint is in effect for the corresponding DOF. nodes indexes start from 0 (starting node); 1 signifies the end-node.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected methoddefaultGuid (Overrides JointdefaultGuid.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgenerateJoints
attach joints to elements based on proximity
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodmatchId
test whether the cross section matches one of the identifiers given in the list of indexes
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodmodifiedJoint
return modified joint definition for the given beam
Public methodrenewGuid
create a new GUID for the joint
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodrenewGuid(Guid)
set a given GUID for the joint
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected methodsetDefaults (Overrides JointsetDefaults.)
Protected methodspringProps(Model, Double, Double)
returns finite element spring object for the joint.
Protected methodspringProps(Model, Int32, Double, Double)
returns finite element spring object for specified end of beam.
(Inherited from Joint.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides JointToString.)
Protected fieldc_
list of stiffness for the joint DOFs
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected fieldelem_ids_
id/regular expressions of element identifiers to which the cross section applies
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected fieldguid_
GUID of the joint
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected fieldname_
unique identifier of a cross section within a family
(Inherited from Joint.)
Protected fieldto_elem_ids_
elements to which the joint connects
Protected fieldto_node_inds_
indexes of nodes to which the joint connects
Protected fieldvicinity_
interface for testing whether a given point is in the vicinity of some predefined geometric objects
See Also