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BuilderDSTV Methods

The BuilderDSTV type exposes the following members.

Protected methodaddBeam
add a beam instruction to the product
Protected methodaddElementInstr
add an element instruction to the product
Protected methodaddInstruction
add a step-instruction to the output and return its number
Public methodbuildCroSec
add cross section data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildCroSec(CroSec).)
Public methodbuildElement
add element data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildElement(ModelElement, Model).)
Public methodbuildElementLoad
add element-loads to the builder
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildElementLoad(ModelElement, Model).)
Protected methodbuildElementPretensionLoad
add a pretension-load to the builder
Protected methodbuildElementUniformlyDistributedLoad
add a uniform line load to the builder
Public methodbuildLoadCase
add load case data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildLoadCase(Int32, Model).)
Public methodbuildMaterial
add definition of a material
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildMaterial(FemMaterial, Int32).)
Public methodbuildMeshLoad
add a mesh-load to the product
(Inherited from ExportBuilder.)
Protected methodbuildNonStandardCroSec(CroSec_Box, Int32)
add a non-standard box cross section to the builder
Protected methodbuildNonStandardCroSec(CroSec_Circle, Int32)
add a non-standard CHS to the builder
Protected methodbuildNonStandardCroSec(CroSec_I, Int32)
add a non-standard I-profile to the builder
Protected methodbuildNonStandardCroSec(CroSec_Spring, Int32)
add a non-standard spring cross section to the builder
Protected methodbuildNonStandardCroSec(CroSec_Trapezoid, Int32)
add a non-standard trapezoid cross section to the builder
Public methodbuildPointLoad
add point-load data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildPointLoad(PointLoad).)
Public methodbuildSupport
add support data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildSupport(Support).)
Public methodbuildVertex
add vertex data to the product
(Overrides ExportBuilderbuildVertex(Node).)
Protected methodcroSecDataLine
generate input line for cross section data
Protected methodcroSecDesignation
return cross section designator
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodfinishProduct
add last lines of step-file
(Overrides ExportBuilderfinishProduct.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodgetLoadCaseInst
gets the load-case instruction number
Protected methodgetLoadCaseRange
determines range of load-cases from given load-case number
Public methodgetLog
return the log of the production process
(Inherited from ExportBuilder.)
Protected methodgetNodalInstrIndex
determine the instruction numbers of all nodes of the element and return true if successful
Public methodgetProduct
return product of builder
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodlogErrorMsg
log an error message
(Inherited from ExportBuilder.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodnewProduct
create header and specification of global coordinate system of step-file
(Overrides ExportBuildernewProduct.)
Public methodsetCroSecAliasNames
set the table for cross section name conversions
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also