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Model Methods

The Model type exposes the following members.

Public methodadd
Adds a vertex to the model and returns its index
Public methodbuildFEModel
builds the fe-model from the karamba-model.
Protected methodbuildFEModel(Int32, Boolean)
Build finite element model from given geometry with a minimum of _lc_number load cases.
Public methodcharacteristicLength
calculates approximate maximum distance of two points in the model
Public methodcheck_loadcase_index
check whether there are results available for the model and a specific load-case and throw an exception in case there are none
Public methodcheck_results_availability
check whether there are results available for the model and throw an exception in case there are none
Public methodclearLoads
Clear all loads
Public methodClone
shallow clone the model
Public methodcloneElements
clone the model's elements. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodcloneMaterialList
clone the model's materials. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodcloneNodes
clone the model's nodes. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodclonePointLoads
clone the model's point-loads. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodcloneSupportPosition
clone the model's supports. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodcloneVertexPosition
clone the model's vertex positions. Must be done before changing them in order to avoid side-effects
Public methodcreateFemBeam(String)
create FemBeam and RawBeam from beam identification string: add CrossSection and element load information
Public methodcreateFemBeam(Int32, ListInt32)
create GrassBeam and ModelBeam from beam index number: add CrossSection, Material and element load information
Public methodcrosec_ind
maps cross section guids to crosec indexes
Public methoddeepCloneFEModel
deep clone the C++-model
Public methodDisassemble
disassemble the model and ouput its parts
Public methoddisplacementsReady
true if model displacements have been calculated
Public methodelementsByID
returns list of elements that correspond to the given ids
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodfe2model
update the model with data from the fe-model. Both models may be out of sync after mappings were performed on the fe-model. Has to be called before displaying the model or retrieving results
Public methodfe2model_update_NII
update the NII forces based on the fe-model
Public methodfemodelWasMapped
gets called when a mapping was applied to the fe-model and the model needs an update before display
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodfitForCalculation
returns true if the model can be calculated
Public methodfitForCalculationMsg
returns message why model can not be calculated
Public methodforcesReady
true if forces in the model have been calculated
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodid_num
return the element's identification number for anidentifier
Public methodinitLoadCaseFactors
initialize the models load case factors
Public methodinitMaterialCroSecLists
initialize the list of materials and cross sections
Public methodmass
mass of the model
Public methodmassAndCOG
calculate the mass in kg and center of gravity of the model
Public methodmaterial_ind
maps material guids to material indexes
Public methodmaxAbsLoad
Calculates maximum absolute value of a point-load or mesh-load in the model which is used for scaling the load symbols
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodminmaxEpsX
calculate min/max axial strain in model
Public methodsetCroSecGroupIds
sets the cross section family indexes according to the values in the given dictionary
Public methodsetCroSecMaterial
set the cross sections material. The crosssection references the material. Add the material to the model if not already there and set the name
Public methodsetLoadCaseFactors
set the load case factors and the superimposition factors for calculating states and display displacements
Public methodsetNumberOfLoadcases
this is used to limit the number of load-cases in case of eigenform- or natural frequency calculations
Public methodsyncNumberOfLoadcases
synchronize the number of load-cases with the feb-model
Public methodtoString
string representation of the model
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
transform the model
Public methodupdateDeformation
Set position of displaced vertices in this model Deform geometry of defl_model by adding displacements of given loadcase multiplied by factor.
Public methodupdateMaterialCroSecLists
update the list of materials and cross sections
See Also